Willow – Slender drops (100ml)



Ethanolic Extracts of Artichoke, Astragalus, Bilberry, Black Cohosh, Bladderwrack, Borage, Buchu, Bupleurum, Cayenne, Centaury, Chaste Tree, Cleavers, Condurango, Dandelion, Fennel, Fenugreek, Gentian, Ginger, Gotu Cola, Greater Celandine, Green Tea, Hawthorn Berries, Indian Cornsilk, Milk thistle, Nettle Leaf, Oatstraw, Rhubarb, St. John’s Wort, Yellow Dock.


Adults and children over 12 years: Take 10-15 drops, Children under 12 years: Take 5-10 drops. To be taken 3 times a day.

Available on back-order



Special tincture formula created as a healthy treatment for obesity and overweight management. It supports the body in the following areas:

Obesity. Weight management. Boost metabolism. Obesity. Weight management. Liver support. Anti-inflammatory. Constipation. Gut support. Lymph support. Appetite control. Insulin support. cellulite reduction. Fat metabolism to energy for fat burning. Water retention. Joint health. Gout and Osteoarthritis.


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